• The Game-Changing Insurance Tactics That Mitigated Advisor Risk and Revolutionised Corporate Financial Health...

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FREE BOOK Reveals How Companies are Saving on Average 27% on Corporate Insurance and Mitigating Advisor Risk with Proven Benchmarking and

Virtual Tender Strategies!


ken armstrong

"'The Insurance Power Play' is a compass for

corporate insurance empowering decision-makers with practical strategies for substantial savings. A must-read for optimisation and success!"

- Ken Armstrong

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Finally Unveiled...

Do You Want to Save on Average 27% on Corporate Insurance and Mitigate Advisor Risk FAST...?

The Best Way To Do That Is By Applying 'The Insurance Power Play' To Your Company!

Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright

YES! This Works For Organisations Across Various Sectors:

  • Charitable & Not-for-Profit Organisations

  • Construction & Engineering

  • Education

  • Financial Services, Insurance & IT

  • Hospital, Medical & Aged Care

  • Hospitality, Arts & Entertainment

  • Manufacturing

  • Procurement Companies

  • Local Government

  • Retail

  • Sports, National Sports Organisations (NSOs)

  • Trade Associations

  • Transport, Logistics, Aviation, Ports, & Mining

  • And More…!!!

If you are a senior executive of a company and you want to save on average 27% on corporate insurance, mitigate Advisor Risk, and optimise your insurance programme without getting lost in the complex world of benchmarking and virtual tenders... then...


And No… It's NOT Just About Cutting Costs,

or changing brokers, or negotiating harder, or merely trusting your current advisor

Matter of fact, it's unlike any other insurance strategy you've ever seen before…

Truthfully, it's a "forward-thinking way" of looking at your corporate insurance that turns traditional methods into optimised programmes and significant savings – which is the GOLD-STANDARD for any company!

Geoff Wainwright, Author of 'The Insurance Power Play

In your free copy of my book,

I'll show you exactly how "THE INSURANCE POWER PLAY" works and how you can integrate it into your COMPANY, REGARDLESS OF YOUR INDUSTRY OR THE SIZE OF YOUR ORGANISATION!

Here’s A Sneak Peek AT The


That You’ll Discover Inside Of 'The Insurance Power Play' Book:

Diagram of Benchmarking and Virtual Tender Strategies


That Transformed Ordinary Corporate Insurance into

Optimised Programs and Significant Cost Savings

While most executives recognise the importance of corporate insurance, there's a specific formula that I've developed and refined over the years...

This unique approach, including the groundbreaking methods of benchmarking and virtual tenders, has been my secret weapon, reserved for my exclusive clients across various sectors...

But now, in this book, I've decided to share this powerful strategy with you. It's time to unleash the full potential of your insurance program and take your financial management to the next level.

If you're a medium to large company spending over $250k per year on corporate insurance, the insights in this book are tailored to help you save on average 27%, mitigate Advisor Risk, and succeed.

Geoff Wainwright, Author of 'The Insurance Power Play

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Here are a few stories of BUSINESSES

Who Used 'Communication Unleashed' to Transform Their Customer Engagement:

"...Our customer satisfaction soared, and sales increased by 30% in just a few months."

Since implementing the strategies from 'Communication Unleashed' in our small retail business, we've seen a remarkable change. Our customer engagement rate has doubled, and we've reduced our marketing costs by 20%.

Our core service, which was struggling to connect with our target audience, suddenly became a hit. By personalizing our communication and integrating AI, we added a subscription model that now brings in an additional $20,000/mo in MRR. Our total revenue increased by 30% almost overnight.

Since we started in January 2023, we've generated $250K in additional sales, with a profit margin of 60% after expenses. This is on top of our existing business that was already thriving. 'Communication Unleashed' has truly taken our business to the next level.

Bottom line, the Communication Unleashed has increased our sales and added stability in our business even during the slower times.

Chris Jacob

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"...The roadmap to transforming customer engagement and boosting your business growth!"

'Communication Unleashed' is a revolutionary book that uncovers the secrets behind effective customer communication. As a small business owner, I've applied these strategies to see a remarkable improvement in customer satisfaction and sales.

Geoff brilliantly guides you through the process of integrating multi-channel strategies, personalizing communication, and leveraging AI. His insights into building lasting relationships with customers are worth far more than the price of this book!

What I appreciate most is how Geoff shares practical, actionable steps that can be implemented right away. The strategies in this book have reshaped how I approach my business communication, leading to increased loyalty and revenue.

If you're looking to elevate your customer engagement and grow your business, this book is your essential guide. Geoff hands you the tools to make it happen. 'Communication Unleashed' is insightful, practical, and a must-read for any business owner. Don't hesitate, grab a copy. It will be the best investment you make in your business this year!

James Francis

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I Got So thrilled with the


...that I compiled all the insights, strategies, and secrets into a book, "The Insurance Power Play: The Secret Weapon for CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and CROs." I first shared it with my exclusive network of industry leaders, where each member is dedicated to optimising their insurance programs and achieving significant cost savings.

These committed executives have seen firsthand the transformative power of benchmarking and virtual tenders, and now I'm excited to share these strategies with you. Whether you're spending over $250k per year on corporate insurance or looking to mitigate Advisor Risk, this book is your key to unlocking success.

This Book Was Initially Shared with a Select Few...

...but the demand grew beyond my expectations…

Executives who got their hands on it started sharing the insights with their colleagues. They were seeing real results in insurance optimisation and wanted others to benefit as well.

I initially intended to keep these strategies exclusive, but the impact was too significant to ignore.

After careful consideration, I've decided to make this book available to you for FREE, but only for a LIMITED TIME! If you're ready to transform your corporate insurance and save on average 27%, grab your copy now.

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So… What’s Actually Inside Of


  • Unlocking Hidden Opportunities: The Game-Changing Power of Insurance Benchmarking! (Page 16)

  • Benchmarking: The Unrivalled Strategy for Insurance Optimisation. Why benchmarking stands unrivalled in the world of insurance program optimisation? (Page 25)

  • A Benchmarking Success Story - substantial cost savings, reducing their premiums by over 35%. (Page 34)

  • The Unforeseen Bonanza of Benchmarking - Transformative Impact on Businesses. (Page 36)

  • The Power of Benchmarking: More Than Cost Savings. (Page 38)

  • The Ripple Effect: Beyond Cost Savings. It's not just about cost savings; it’s about cover, program structure, unlocking resources for core activities, amplifying impact, and achieving goals. (Page 40)

  • Navigating the Complex World of Corporate Insurance. It enables you to eliminate the practice of “Reserving” and Advisor Risk. (Pages 42)

  • The Unseen Triumph of Strategic Insurance Management. An investment that, when managed strategically, can yield significant dividends. (Pages 46)

Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright
Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright
Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright
Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright
  • Building Success: Crafting Your Strategic Blueprint. It's about strategic alignment with your company's unique needs and goals. (Pages 56)

  • Laying the Foundation: The Mindset Shift That Builds Success. You need to start viewing your insurance not just as a necessary expense, but as a strategic investment. (Pages 59)

  • “But I Don't Have Time!" - Debunking the Common Excuse. (Page 59)

  • Transforming Decision-Makers through Strategic Insurance Management. C-levels are equipped with the blueprints and tools they need to build control over their insurance programs. (Page 64)

  • Case Studies: Real-World Blueprints of Transformation. (Pages 66 - 67)

  • The Power of Review: Excavating Hidden Risks and Opportunities. (Pages 68)

  • Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them in Insurance Management. (Page 70)

  • Adviser Risk: To the extent that remuneration is not transparent there may be potential conflicts, known as Adviser Risk. (Pages 71)

  • Virtual Tenders: Businesses often underestimate the power of virtual tenders, like underestimating the importance of a good compass, in achieving cost savings and improved coverage. (Pages 73 - 74)

  • And so much more! Including case studies, bonus resources, and an Example Virtual Tender Invitation to help you put these principles into action in your business today!

Geoff Wainwright, Author of 'The Insurance Power Play
Geoff Wainwright, Author of 'The Insurance Power Play

The Last Great INSURANCE OPTIMISATION Breakthrough…

A TRUE Look Behind Transforming Corporate Insurance Programs…

Is Now Within Your Grasp For FREE!

What are you waiting for?

Hit the button below now and secure your FREE copy of 'The Insurance Power Play: The Secret Weapon for CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and CROs' today!

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“OK Geoff...

What’s The Catch?”

No catch! Simply pay the small, one-time shipping & handling fee of $11.95 and I’ll rush a FREE copy of ‘The Insurance Power Play’ to your home or office.

I promise you this – 'The Insurance Power Play' is THE revolutionary insurance optimisation system, containing the secrets to saving on average 27% on corporate insurance, mitigating Advisor Risk, and transforming your company's insurance programme.

Geoff Wainwright, Author of 'The Insurance Power Play

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Limited Number Of FREE Copies Of ‘The Insurance Power Play’ Available

Here’s the deal– we set aside a small number of copies of ‘The Insurance Power Play’.

Once those copies are gone, that’s it… no more.

Plus, ‘The Insurance Power Play’ Is Only Available…

On Amazon - For $39.98

So if you’re seeing this page right now, then that means we still have FREE copies of ‘The Insurance Power Play’ available!!

But you must act now and place your order before we run out of our current stock… (Remember, once all of the free copies are gone, this page… and offer… disappear!)

Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright
Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright

You’re Covered By My 100%


Cover of 'The Insurance Power Play' by Geoff Wainwright

I know ‘The Insurance Power Play’ is the way.

And if you read this entire page up until now, including the insights and strategies that have transformed companies' insurance programs... then you know this is the real-deal.

HOWEVER! If you are currently spending at least $250k per year on corporate insurance and you implement what is taught in the book, including the virtual tender in Appendix 2, and don't save 20% or more, then I'll refund your shipping & handling investment AND I'll donate $100 to your favourite charity. Plus, you can still keep the book.

Yep. You read that right. You don’t have to send anything back. Simply email my support team, let them know, and we’ll refund your initial investment without hassle, and the book is on us. ;)

Thank you for reading.

I look forward to hearing how ‘The Insurance Power Play’ has revolutionised your business!


Geoff Wainwright

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P.S. If you’re like me and scroll to the bottom of the page, then here’s the deal: I want to rush you a free copy ofThe Insurance Power Play’ book!

Just pay the small shipping and handling fee, and the book is yours for free!

Inside The Insurance Power Play, you'll discover the revolutionary benchmarking and virtual tender strategies. These strategies have the potential to transform corporate insurance programmes, saving on average 27%, and mitigating Advisor Risk for medium to large companies.

(Pssst… it's also the key "insurance secret" that has helped countless organisations across various sectors, from Charitable & Not-for-Profit Organisations to Transport, Logistics, Aviation, Ports, & Mining, optimise their insurance and succeed!)

So, if you're a CEO, CFO, COO, or CRO looking for sustainable, effective strategies to revolutionise your insurance programme without changing brokers, and handle the unethical practice of RESERVING

…then "The Insurance Power Play" is for you, and I want to rush you a FREE copy right this second.

Geoff Wainwright, Author of 'The Insurance Power Play

What are you waitin’ for?!?

Click Or Tap The Button Below Now

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The Insurance Power Play’!


What is "The Insurance Power Play" about?

"The Insurance Power Play" is a groundbreaking book that reveals proven strategies for saving on average 27% on corporate insurance. It covers topics like benchmarking, virtual tenders, mitigating Advisor Risk, and handling the unethical practice of RESERVING.

Who is this book for?

This book is designed for CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CROs, and decision-makers in medium to large companies looking to optimise their insurance programmes and mitigate risks.

How can I get a free copy of the book?

You can get a free copy of the book by clicking the link on this page and covering the small shipping, handling and printing fee.

What is the guarantee?

If you're currently spending at least $250k per year on corporate insurance and implement the strategies taught in the book, including the virtual tender in Appendix 2, but don't save 20% or more, we will refund your shipping fee and donate $100 to your favourite charity.

How long will it take to receive the book?

Your book will be shipped from an Amazon warehouse to your doorstep within 7-14 days of ordering.

Can this book help my specific industry?

Yes! "The Insurance Power Play" has been applied successfully across various sectors, including Charitable & Not-for-Profit Organisations, Construction & Engineering, Education, Financial Services, Insurance & IT, and many more.

What if I have more questions or need support?

Feel free to contact our support team at [email protected]. We're here to assist you!

Is my payment information secure?

Absolutely! We use Stripe as our secure payment processing to ensure that your information is protected.

Who is Geoff Wainwright?

Geoff Wainwright is a leading expert in corporate insurance, with over 20 years of experience in the field. He has helped countless businesses optimise their insurance programmes and achieve significant cost savings.

What are virtual tenders, and how do they work?

Virtual tenders are a modern approach to insurance procurement that leverages benchmarking to create a competitive bidding environment. This method, detailed in the book, can lead to substantial savings and more transparent processes.

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The Insurance Power Play

Geoff Wainwright is a renowned corporate insurance expert, dedicated to transforming the way companies approach their insurance programmes. Specialising in virtual tenders and strategic optimisation, Geoff's innovative methods have empowered businesses to achieve significant cost savings and mitigate Advisor Risk. The stories and examples featured are genuine experiences from satisfied clients who have benefited from the 'The Insurance Power Play'.