Our Services

Insurance Review and Cost Reduction

Our independent experts can help you to assess the performance of your current insurance program, improve your cover and lower your costs. Our insurance diagnostic and benchmarking will highlight areas of improvement and our unique and comprehensive tender management process is proven to strengthen resilience while reducing premiums.

Potential issues facing our clients

  • Losing control of insurance costs and unsure whether your premiums are competitive

  • Uncertainty as to whether you are getting the highest performance from your broker and whether your broker is acting in your best interests

  • Inadequate visibility of cover suitability, potential exposures and new risks

Key outcomes for our clients

  • Insurance cost and premium reduction of 17% on average without necessarily needing to change brokers

  • Transparent insight into broker performance and confidence in their agency

  • Improved knowledge of broker remuneration practices

  • Optimises your current insurance program, improves coverage and policy wordings

  • Identifies areas of under-insurance and reduces exposure

Our Process

We are independent from all brokers and insurers. There is no need to change your incumbent broker to achieve positive results. Our process is pragmatic and flexible - we will tailor it to meet the specific needs of your business.

Depending on your requirements, our process may include:

  • A review of your current broker and insurance program

  • Benchmarking of your insurance program (including cost / premiums, coverage, deductible and indemnity level)

  • Development of an RFP document for your insurance program

  • Tender management services including management of broker responses and creating competitive tension to maximise cost reduction

  • Technical evaluation of broker tender responses

  • Recommendations for changes and enhancements to your insurance program (if necessary)

  • A review of broker performance and areas of improvement

  • Validation of loss limits and indemnity levels

  • Insurable risk profiling and gap analysis

  • Policy wording review, comparison and benchmarking

Our Clients

In partnership with...

Resilient Risk Consulting

Case Studies

In partnership with...

Resilient Risk Consulting

National Sports / Hockey Australia

Hockey Australia is responsible for the administration and promotion of field Hockey throughout Australia. The sporting organisation was experiencing constraints due to rising insurance costs and issues with the performance of their incumbent broker.

Manufacturing / PACT Group

As a result of the hard global property insurance market Pact’s costs were continually increasing and their cover diminishing. Pact was being forced by the global insurance market into considering alternative risk transfer options, such as captive self-insurance.

Health Services / Arcare Aged Care

Arcare, a leading provider of aged care services in Australia, had not undertaken a governance review of their insurance program for several years to determine whether they had the best available covers at the most economical cost.

Financial Services / Prime Financial Group

Publicly listed Prime Financial Group required a detailed review of their broker services, coverage and annual insurance costs. The Group had substantial professional indemnity risk exposures, which it wished to ensure were appropriately transferred to financially secure insurers.

Meet Geoff Wainwright

Insurance Consultant

Geoff Wainwright brings over two decades of expertise in insurance consulting and business strategy. As a founder of The Insurance Power Play, Geoff has been pivotal in redefining corporate insurance approaches for a diverse range of clients.

His career spans significant roles, including senior positions in several insurance consulting firms and as the driving force behind Intelligent Sales Machine. Geoff's expertise in strategic planning and client relations has established him as a trusted advisor in the insurance industry.

Geoff's work extends beyond traditional insurance frameworks, focusing on innovative solutions tailored to each client's unique needs. His clientele includes major corporations and organisations across Australia, demonstrating a versatility that spans various sectors.

A thought leader in the field, Geoff has authored books like 'The Insurance Power Play' and 'Communication Unleashed', reflecting his deep understanding of the industry and effective communication strategies.

Geoff's approach is characterised by a commitment to delivering bespoke solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations, ensuring optimal outcomes in every engagement.

The Insurance Power Play

31/39 Benjamin Way, Belconnen, 2617

Copyright 2024 The Insurance Power Play